Mana Contemporary is one of the largest and most innovative arts organizations around, based in a vast former tobacco ...
Willie Cole, Artist (1997)
Steven Wolock2020-09-22T15:05:08-04:00Willie Cole is known for his ability to transform the discarded remnants of our consumer culture into objects that ...
Willie Cole, Artist (2006)
Steven Wolock2020-09-22T15:05:04-04:00Artist Willie Cole is known for bringing the worlds of African art and American consumerism together in his haunting ...
Kevin Sampson at Mystic Seaport
Steven Wolock2021-01-08T17:56:02-05:00Artist Kevin Sampson is based in Newark's Ironbound neighborhood, where you can often find him creating his found-object sculptures ...
Elsie Driggs: Precisionist Painter
Steven Wolock2022-03-18T10:05:46-04:00Elsie Driggs (1898-1992) gave one of her last interviews for this State of the Arts story, produced in 1991. ...
The Martian Art Project
Steven Wolock2020-09-22T14:56:36-04:00In 1938, Orson Welles starred in the radio broadcast of "The War of the Worlds." It sparked a panic, ...
Tyler Ballon
Steven Wolock2020-09-22T14:53:30-04:00Artist Tyler Ballon is a recent art school graduate, now back home in Jersey City and already making a ...
Turning the Page on Black Comics
Steven Wolock2021-08-16T08:26:15-04:00America has a long and rich history of Black comics and comic books. We meet Rider University professor Sheena ...
Valley Arts
Steven Wolock2020-07-17T11:24:27-04:00The Valley Arts District on the border of Orange and West Orange, New Jersey, just 15 block in total, has ...
Washi Tales
Steven Wolock2020-08-13T12:23:04-04:00Washi Tales is a unique performance project that tells stories through the medium of traditional Japanese papermaking. We catch up ...
Joyce J Scott
Steven Wolock2020-07-17T11:19:58-04:00At Grounds For Sculpture, MacArthur Genius Joyce J. Scott uses beads, glass, fabric, and even dirt in her new exhibition: ...
Princeton & Slavery
Steven Wolock2020-07-17T11:05:30-04:00Princeton University faces its legacy of slavery in a wide-ranging history project that engages the public with art, theater, and ...
Oliver Lake
Steven Wolock2020-09-22T16:41:45-04:00Meet longtime Montclair resident, the innovative jazz musician and composer Oliver Lake. He also writes poetry and paints, seeing ...
Kay WalkingStick
Steven Wolock2020-09-22T16:40:33-04:00"Kay Walking Stick: An American Artist" is a career retrospective of Kay WalkingStick (b. 1935), a citizen of the ...
George Kordis
Steven Wolock2020-09-22T16:39:59-04:00George Kordis is a master painter and iconographer in the Byzantine tradition based in Athens, Greece. For over 40 ...
Mirror Mirror at Express Newark
Steven Wolock2020-09-22T16:39:05-04:00Artists question the meaning and politics of portraiture in “Mirror Mirror” at the Paul Robeson Galleries at Express Newark. ...
Shellie Jacobson
Steven Wolock2020-08-13T12:25:02-04:00Visit the studio of ceramic artist Shellie Jacobson from Skillman, NJ. She's one of 69 extraordinary artists featured in the ...
Toy World
Steven Wolock2020-08-13T12:27:18-04:00New Jersey played a central role in the design and production of toys in the early and mid-20th Century. A ...
coLAB Arts
Steven Wolock2020-09-22T16:51:53-04:00At coLAB Arts in New Brunswick, artists create a wide variety community-powered creative projects that focus on building social ...
Kasso’s Journey
Steven Wolock2020-09-22T16:48:51-04:00"Growing up in the inner-city of Trenton, NJ, my only escape from the negative images that plagued my community ...